Designing A More Versatile IT Department

Server racks, equipment storage, workstation mounts, and many more Information Technology (IT) storage areas can leave a lot to be desired. Although the standardization of IT equipment is still strong in the market, there are many custom devices that don't fit in the standard server rack or may not securely mount against a desk. If you're tired of loose devices, tangled cables, and odd fits, here's some IT equipment room design to make it all come together.

Why Are Different Standards A Problem?

Most of the IT industry still follows design standards. Cisco, EMC2, Juniper, Barracuda, and many other mainstays of the server rooms and data centers across the world have mounting points that work with most server racks and equipment mounts, but there are always upstarts.

In the age of startup businesses, a growing Silicon Valley, and the need to catch the eye of smart newcomers to the tech world, many devices take on appearances and design features that don't work well with standard server racks. In a few cases, it's an issue of a business wanting its standard to be adopted or simply dealt with, while other devices have specialized, amazing features but are designed for home use. If you're an early adopter, you may not be able to wait for a server version to hit the market.

If a device can't be secured to a rack or mount, it can be pulled to the floor or otherwise damaged easily if a cable is tugged or the device is nudged. If you cater to new business desires and buy equipment mounts for every single device, you may end up with a forest of racks that are empty, save for one or two devices you care about from each company.

Custom Metal Fabrication Can Make It Fit

The answer isn't to buy new server racks, rails or mounts from every company. One team can make most of your devices fit in as few server racks as possible with customized mounts and fittings.

A custom metal fabrication team can create new designs. You can send the team a document with the dimensions of your different devices, the amount of floor space, and ways that you want the devices to be connected. With that information, new device storage units can be built with your space concerns in mind.

There are many ways to approach the problem, such as making a rack that accommodates the largest device you have, then implements different cages or adjustable clamping shelves to hold smaller devices in place. New shelves with device size adapters can then be ordered as needed instead of going out to buy a new server rack or set of rails.

Contact a custom metal fabrication team to discuss your devices and different ways to arrange reliable storage. Go to websites to learn more.
